What we are NOT
We will say it one more time, because we don’t want to be misunderstood: Thecaptiveswar.com is NOT associated in any way or form with James S. A. Corey, Orbit Books or the Hachette Books Group. If that changes, we will let you know.
On the same line, Thacaptiveswar.com is NOT the official page for The Captive’s War Series. The OFFICIAL pages related to the books series and the author are (not exhaustively):
What we DO are
That being said, we are fans of James S. A. Corey, and of The Expanse, in that order. Our goal here is to provide fan information about The Captive’s War series and to create a knowledge base for those who would like to get deeper into the series.
We are by no means in the publishing business, but being science fiction fans for decades is undeniable. We will discuss The Captive’s War series with as few spoilers as possible, including narrative arcs, plot speculations, characters, locations, scientific aspects, and news. As the site grows and the articles pile up, we intend to use a SPOILER tag in order to let you know which posts and pages to “avoid” if you have not read the series yet.
Other things we will cover
The Captive’s War will be released as an audiobook, and we will cover that subject when it is out. If any side pieces are made, like a role-playing game, comic books, or a TV show, these subjects will be added to the website.
Affiliate programmes
We are transparent and want to let you know that we might place affiliate links to a few book stores. If you want to buy books related to The Captive’s War and James S. A. Corey these links will help you find the books. These links allow us to earn a small percentage of the sales made in these partners’ stores. Far from allowing us to build a scale 1 Tachi, these earnings help us to refund the hosting and managing costs of the websites and also to refund a bit of the time spent to write these lines.
For you, as a reader and fan, the price of the books remains the same, and for the authors, they earn as much as they would have from any sale.
TheCaptivesWar.com is not asking for any monetary contribution of any sort, be it on Patreon or any other similar structure.